Concord Fintech Solutions

Ukraine's first open fintech ecosystem

Contacts for fintech ecosystem.

Link to the official website:
The infrastructure of the fintech ecosystem is being formed by
The fintech ecosystem infrastructure is formed by the ConcordBank Ecosystem base. A Ukrainian bank with the spirit of fintech innovation, which is adapting and implementing new technologies.
Instant payment system for purchases, payments and site transfers from payment cards.
Aggregator of payment services with a large contractual base.
Independent processing center provides clients with access to modern payment card issuing and acquiring technologies.
An IT company that creates storefront products and develops software for the entire ecosystem.
A digital bank that offers its services in both segments: individuals, as well as entrepreneurs and legal entities.

The main area of cooperation between the fintech ecosystem Concord Fintech Solutions and the Novikova Agency – Media Relations

Communication strategy
Brand support in the market.
Media audit and analysis of competitors.

Creation of the brand with unique visual design and text content in social networks.
Organization of interviews and comments
From journalists' inquiries to the final publication of the material in media.
Columns and
press releases preparation
Informational support of the author, text editing and publication on relevant sites.
Writing of the
group press releases

Press release text preparation, coordination and editing, publication on the most relevant platforms and publications.
Reputation management

Monitoring of information space, rapid response to negative reaction on brands in the information field.

In the period from December 2021

to April 2022 organized

publications in national and regional media, including interviews, columns, expert commentaries, special projects, as well as publications in the social networks of CFS and top brand executives

Examples of publications in media on the fintech ecosystem

Contact us
+38 093 206 58 93
Kiev, Kirill-Mephodiyivska str. 2